Chandra Sivaraman
Software Engineering Notes

Dependency Inversion Principle09 Apr 2021

Dependency Inversion Principle Photo by processingly on Unsplash

Bad design exhibits rigidity (cascading changes), fragility (breakages in unrelated parts), immobility (reusing parts of the design in other apps is hard).

Says Bob Martin:

What is it that makes a design rigid, fragile and immobile? It is the interdependence of the modules within that design.1

How to improve a bad design that suffers from these flaws? That is the purpose of the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) which states that:

A. High level modules should not depend upon low level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions.

B. Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.1

Dependency Injection vs inversion

Injection refers to passing in the dependency instead of instantiating it within the client. This alone isn’t enough. The dependency passed must be an abstraction (interface or abstract base class), not the concrete implementation.

Instead of having the client create the concrete dependency, the dependency is created by a factory method or IoC container and an interface/abstraction (constructor or setter injection) is injected into the client. The client has no dependency on concrete implementations, only on the abstract interface. The implementing class itself has a dependency on the interface, which in accordance with ISP, is tailored to the client. Thus, the dependency is inverted and points from dependent class to caller.

Program to an interface, not an implementation

Dependency Inversion Principle appears to be identical to the following principle from the GoF Design Patterns book:

Program to an interface, not an implementation.4

The point of both is the same. To minimize cohesion between classes. The fewer dependencies between classes in a large system, the easier it is to extend and test the system, and less the chance that changes in one module breaks the system in other places.


The same examples used to describe Open-closed principle can be used here with some small modifications:

OrderProcessor has a dependency on the concrete implementations of credit card processor (for simplicity, we assume this site only supports credit card payments).

class OrderProcessor
	public void Purchase(Cart cart)
		var creditCardProcessor = new CreditCardProcessor();

Payment processor abstraction is injected into OrderProcessor. Thus, OrderProcessor no longer has a dependence on the concrete implementation of credit card processor. Rather, the CreditCardProcessor now has a dependence on the IPaymentProcessor interface used by the OrderProcessor (since it has to implement it, and the interface in turn is tailored to the OrderProcessor in accordance with ISP) and in a sense the dependency is reversed.

class OrderProcessor
	private readonly IPaymentProcessor _paymentProcessor;

	public OrderProcessor(IPaymentProcessor paymentProcessor)
		_paymentProcessor = paymentProcessor;
	public void Purchase(Cart cart)

internal interface IPaymentProcessor
	void ProcessPayment(Cart cart);

internal class CreditCardProcessor : IPaymentProcessor
	public void ProcessPayment(Cart cart)
		// charge the customer's credit card

Dependency Inversion and unit testing

A nice side-effect of Dependency inversion using interfaces is that it enables writing unit tests without the need to setup complex dependency chains. Since external dependencies aren’t part of the SUT (System under Test), their behavior (as specified in the interface) can be mocked using a tool like Moq, and unit tests don’t need to have any cascading dependencies on concrete classes. See Unit Testing Part 3.

This completes our brief tour of SOLID Principles.



  1. [^] The Dependency Inversion Principle, Robert C. Martin, C++ Report
  2. Dependency Injection by Hand
  3. A Little Architecture
  4. [^] GoF Principles